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Langley Tennis

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Welcome to Langley’s first ever Blog!

I am privileged to be making the first blog entry for Langley Tennis, we have decided to give everyone a more personal look at our club and felt the best way to achieve this was to get staff, coaches and members to create blogs.

I first came to Langley when my son Matthew decided he would like to start playing tennis that was 13 years ago and I’m still here but not as a parent but as Langley’s Manager a job I love. It’s a privilege to watch young children hit their first ball, watch them develop and grow as tennis players and human beings. The joy the players feel when they win their first tennis match I share along with them, watching them compete in tournaments in a mature sporting way, makes me feel proud that in some little way I have contributed to that players personal and tennis development.

In my years here at Langley I have seen some great coaches come and go. The great Tim Walter along with his Aussie counterpart Ryan Henry who are both now extremely successful running tennis clubs in Australia. Matt Barton who came to Langley as a young 18 year old and who I witnessed transform into a very professional and caring club coach and who has now joined Tim Walter in Australia and is sorely missed here at Langley. As great as these coaches are we have a new diverse coaching team here at Langley headed by Andre Mouskides one of the best coaches I have had the pleasure of working alongside. Our Greek wizard Dimitris is an amazing coach, giving clients technical information second to none. Michael is the most improved player at the club, I have watched him train and put every ounce of effort he has into improving his tennis game and as a coach is a role model to younger players on work ethic and dedication. Harry gives the coaching team character, a truly nice guy with the driest sense of humour I have come across, who loves tennis and makes every player believe they can improve and finally Lewis the baby of the family, he has been here at Langley as a player from the age of 4 and is just starting out on his coaching career.

Finally I must mention Langley’s lovely receptionist Roz, she is a great help to me and creates a lovely atmosphere in the club house. If you haven’t spoken to her please introduce yourself she is warm and friendly and will always give you great information about the club and the opportunities to play tennis here.

I’m looking forward to writing many more blogs on life at Langley Tennis Club and if anyone would like to contribute on their experience at the club we would love to hear from you and publish your thoughts.

Sue Picton

Langley Club Manager

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